Monday, August 10, 2009

God is working!

I just have to say that the last week or so has just felt like a week of small miracles. I say that because it just seems to me like God's been playing a big role lately. For example, I went to the beach on Friday by myself just to relax and clear my head. Long story short, I noticed that a bunch of people had gathered looking out into the water. Of course, I had to go check it out. I finally noticed what they were looking at, it was a manatee! Being from the North originally I had never seen one, so of course I had to watch for a while! I went back to reading my book for and then I heard a bunch of commotion again. When I got up to check it out, this is what I saw!

Yes, there are actually 3! And there was another one about waste deep in the water. It was absolutely amazing! They hung out there for a few minutes and then decided it was time to get back in the water. They quickly swam away, and I was in awe! I truly felt that there was nothing that could top that so I left!! After that we had a weekend of great friends, old and new, and new beginnings. Through every decision and opportunity that we had this weekend, I felt like He was right there guiding us along! And it was a feeling that I thoroughly enjoyed and look forward to daily!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Wish me luck!

So my thought is, if I admit it to ya'll then I have to admit it to myself! I signed up and have started training for the 26.2 with Donna in February!!! This will be my first race EVER! Make sure to keep me in your prayers! I am so hoping I can follow through with my commitment!!! I have a running partner, but I will let her break the news!!!! Love you all and look forward to the upcoming support! Thanks in advance!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I know, I know, two posts in one day!!! But, I had to tell you that I met a goal today! There is a path around my neighborhood that I said i wanted to run last summer. Well, I kind of fell off of the "running wagon" last year, so needless to say it didn't happen.

However, today with the perfect weather, I DID IT! The whole route was 3.5 miles and I didn't believe JP when he told me how long it was. I was just praying for 2.5, maybe 3! (I made him go drive it after I ran it!!! I know, I'm a dork!) So now I guess I need new goal! Oh wait, I might need to make sure that I can do it again huh!!!!


Hey everyone,

I've so missed ya'll! Hope everyone is having a fabulous time this summer. Apparently I have been a bit more busy then I anticipated!

Made a quick trip to Virginia to see my nephew and my sister....

My niece and my mom came to visit.....

My nephew stayed with me here for a night.....

I love my niece and nephew!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

First sight of summer!

So my summer officially started with a trip to Atlanta to see my girl Lydia. She is a Captain in the Army and has been in Iraq for 10 months. She had a two week break so she decided to come and see some of her girls. She then came back to J-ville with me to find housing because she will be stationed here when she comes back from Iraq!!! YEAH~!!!! She had a list of things that she wanted to do while she was in the states. So we decided to help her out with the Joe's Crab Shack mission!!!! YUMMO!